In this world, there are coffee lovers and there are tea lovers. I am of the latter. Mention the words warm beverage, and my hand automatically reaches out for a cup of tea. With a penchant for such, the words “exceptional tea experience” were enough to pique my curiosity.

tea forte

These words did not fail to meet expectations right from the beginning. In a world of crushed tea leaves crammed in flimsy filter bags, I was pleasantly surprised to find something different. I was met with a tastefully packaged artisan brew ready to surprise and delight me.

Tea Forté has certainly brought back the art of drinking tea. The difference can be told from the unique pyramid shaped bags which allow proper steeping, to the carefully sourced leaves and herbs. Unexpected concoctions tickle taste buds and awaken the senses.

Each of the exceptional and carefully thought blends have a story of their own to tell. More than just delighting drinkers with each sip Tea Forté raises awareness beyond each cup. By sourcing ingredients from organic and Fair Trade farmers the company helps provide livelihood for marginalised groups.

The experience with each cup of Tea Forté has certainly changed how I think of my tea.

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