ELEVEN Australia has teamed up with international not-for-profit organisation Hagar in a fight to end modern slavery and help abused women get their lives back on track. As part of ELEVEN’s involvement, salons around the country hosted national Style for Life Day on 28 July, which saw ELEVEN Australia salons open up around Australia with all proceeds of the day donated to Hagar. Patron of Hagar, Rachel Griffiths participated in the event, having her hair done by Joey Scandizzo, ELEVEN Australia Creative Director, at his salon, Joey Scandizzo Salon on Style for Life Day.
Hagar is an international organisation that works to restore the lives of women and children who have survived severe human rights abuse including rape, paedophilia, torture and modern slavery. Hagar works in Cambodia, Afghanistan and Vietnam and provides specialist trauma counselling, intensive education programs and career training opportunities for people who would otherwise have had no chance of a future.
Funds that were raised via ELEVEN Australia will help support 20 Hagar survivors through the esteemed Hagar lead Career Pathways program in Cambodia, which includes intensive work readiness training, ‘on the job’ vocational training in the hairdressing industry, employment placement and two years of follow up case management and ultimately, improved livelihoods and security for survivors.
Joey Scandizzo will add to his involvement further by hosting hands-on hair Masterclasses at the Cambodia Centre later this year.

Couturing Beauty Editor, Katherine having her hair done by Eleven Australia Creative Director, Joey Scandizzo
For more information about Hagar or Eleven Australia, visit: www.hagar.org.au and www.elevenaustralia.com
Images by Liane Hurvitz
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